
Book V, Chapter 2: Scared And Legolas

(Aragorn, Théoden, Legolas, Gimli, Merry and the Riders of Rohan RIDE towards EDORAS and meet the Rangers. Arwen sends Aragorn a PRESENT, Legolas looks TROUBLED, and Merry swears LOYALTY to Théoden and becomes an esquire. Aragorn SURPRISES everyone by ANNOUNCING that he's going to Gondor by the Paths of the Dead; Gimli SCOLDES him for using the Palantir and contacting Sauron but Aragorn SAYS he acted ROYALLY and everyone is IMPRESSED. Except for Sauron, who probably wasn't.)

* * *

(Due to being SMITTEN with Aragorn, Éowyn visits him in the NIGHT [don't ask].)

Éowyn: "Will you take me with you?"

Aragorn: "Nope."

* * *

(Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and the Rangers (The Grey Company) TRUDGE through the Paths of the Dead; Gimli GRUMBLES about being SCARED and Legolas TALKS to the horses. The Company LEAVES the Paths of the Dead, but are FOLLOWED by some dead warriors [don't ask].)

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Book III, Chapter 3: Whines… Whined… Whines

(Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas RUN through Rohan and everyone WHINES. They meet the Riders of Rohan; there is a bit of an ARGUMENT, but Aragorn acts like a KING and everyone is IMPRESSED. Except for Éothain, who isn't.)

Éomer: "The Orcs are dead and no-one else was with them, but have these horses and see for yourselves."

(Gimli WHINES about having to ride a horse and the RIDERS OF ROHAN leave. Later, the gang receive a strange VISITATION from an OLD man and their horses DISAPPEAR. Gimli, having WHINED about riding a horse, now WHINES about the LACK of horses.)
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Book II, Chapter 9: Really Begins To Lose It

(The Company FLOAT along the Anduin for DAYS; Gollum FOLLOWS them and Boromir really begins to LOSE it in a BIG way. Orcs AMBUSH them, but do no DAMAGE. Aragorn keeps looking KINGLY and everyone is IMPRESSED. Except for Boromir, who isn't.)
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