Book V, Chapter 1: Screwed Right Now
Ingold: "But it'll be finished in a minute! What about the Riders of Rohan - are they going to grace us with their presence or not?"
Gandalf: "Thanks to me they are - if I hadn't rescued them from certain death, then you'd be screwed right now. I'm going - and no nodding off, you hear?"
* * *
(They REACH Minas
Tirith; Pippin is AWED by the city, NO-ONE thinks
that SEEING Gandalf is a GOOD thing and Gandalf
TELLS Pippin not to mention ANYTHING about the
RING to Denethor (The Steward of Gondor). And to
keep quiet about Aragorn, because he knows that
EVERYONE will be IMPRESSED. Except for Denethor,
who won't be.)
* * *
Gandalf: "Hi, Denethor, how's it
Denethor: "Terrible. Where's the
person who saw Boromir die? Oh I wish I'd sent
Faramir instead!"
(Pippin offers Denethor his SWORD as PAYMENT
for Boromir's death.)
Denethor: "Wow! You may be short
but you've some got manners - even if you have
got a wierd accent! I like you, little man!"
(EGGED on by Gandalf, Pippin swears LOYALTY
to Gondor, becomes a soldier, and TELLS Denethor
about Boromir's death.)
Denethor: "I rule Gondor! Unless
the King turns up, that is."
Gandalf: "Just in case he does,
you'd better make sure that there's some kingdom
left, eh?"
* * *
(Pippin meets
Beregond (a GUARD) who TELLS him some PASSWORDS
and about the CUSTOMS of Gondor.)
Beregond: "Wow! You've got some
manners - even if you have got a wierd accent!"
* * *
(They visit
Shadowfax and Pippin gets treated like a PRINCE.
Beregond TELLS Pippin to FIND his son (Bergil)
and WATCH the Gate closing. A lot of allies
ARRIVE but not as many as HOPED for.)
Gandalf: "We're all going to