Appendix A-I-i: Númenor
Six of the Eldar and the Edain get HITCHED over the years:
- Lúthien Tinúviel and Beren
- Idril and Tuor
- Arwen and Aragorn.
- Lúthien (Eldar [= Elf]) and Beren (Edain [= Man]) have a SON, Dior and a DAUGHTER, Elwing.
- Idril (Eldar [= Elf]) and Tuor (Edain [= Man]) have a SON, Eärendil.
- Eärendil gets HITCHED to Elwing and OVERTHROWS Morgoth. They have two SONS, Elros and Elrond.)
(The Edain get their own PAD called Númenor; they live for a LONG time, but want MORE. Some KING or other with an UNPRONOUNCEABLE name tries to DEFEAT Sauron, who PLAYS up to the KING'S ego and turns the Númenoreans EVIL. R.I.P. Númenor. Elendil and his SONS, Isildur and Anárion, are really the only ones of IMPORTANCE in later Númenorean HISTORY. They LAND on Middle-earth and set up Arnor and Gondor. Elendil RULES the North, while his SONS RULE the South: they build a few CITIES bordering MORDOR and BELIEVE Sauron has SNUFFED it. They are WRONG. In the following war, the Last Alliance KICKS Sauron's ARSE and Isidur takes the One RING. R.I.P. the Second Age.)
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Book V, Chapter 10: The Two Rodents
Aragorn: "Oi, Sauron, come out and fight, if you think you're hard enough!"
Mouth of Sauron: "Thanks for the two rodents you sent us. Give up or we'll torture them for eternity!"
Gandalf: "Take a hike."
(The Gate OPENS and the HOSTS of MORDOR surround them. The sun goes down, the NAZGÛL show up and the gang know they are going to lose SPECTACULARLY. Beregond is KNOCKED down by a troll-chief who Pippin STABS. Pippin is about to FAINT after nearly being SQUASHED by the troll-chief when he hears people SHOUTING something about Eagles. He FAINTS.)
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Book V, Chapter 6: His Flying Steed
Dernhelm: "Geroff!"
Lord of the Nazgûl: "You can't frighten me! No man can! Ha Ha!"
Dernhelm: "But I am not a man - I am a wo-man!"
(It's Éowyn. The Lord of the NAZGÛL considers this BRIEFLY, while Merry DECIDES to actually do something USEFUL and HELP Éowyn out. The Lord of the NAZGÛL doesn't BOTHER about him, since he's too BUSY going after Éowyn. Éowyn KILLS the Lord of the NAZGÛL's flying STEED and this really ANNOYS him, but as he goes to TEACH Éowyn a LESSON, Merry STABS him from behind. R.I.P. Lord of the NAZGÛL. R.I.P Théoden.)
* * *
Éomer: "Éowyn? What are you
doing here? I though we left you behind! Arrgh!
We're all going to die!"
(R.I.P. Merry's sword. The Riders of Rohan
CARRY Théoden's BODY away; the Men of Gondor are
STUNNED by the sight of a wo-man and they SEND
for AID because she's INJURED. More FIGHTING
happens; then they see SHIPS on the Sea, and
everyone thinks they are ALL going to DIE. Except
for Éomer, who doesn't. He's right. It's Aragorn.
Everyone is HAPPY. They SLAUGHTER the HOSTS of
Book V, Chapter 5: A Walking Cloud
Faramir: "I say, last time I was here there weren't any Hobbits in the Tower Guard."
Gandalf: "New ornament."
(Gandalf is WORRIED that Frodo went to Cirith Ungol and Denethor WHINES about Faramir being ALIVE rather than Boromir.)
Faramir: "Hey, you sent him on that mission."
Denethor: "I wish I hadn't. You're useless - at least Boromir would have bought me a nice shiny Ring."
Gandalf: "Don't be a prat."
* * *
(Everyone feels
SORRY for Faramir but no-one COMPLAINS when he
gets sent to the FRONT (the Fields of Pelennor).
NEWS arrives that Faramir is FIGHTING a lost
CAUSE because the Lord of the NAZGÛL is on a ROLL
and Gandalf RIDES off to HELP Faramir. It doesn't
do much GOOD and the Men of Gondor get their
ARSES KICKED. Faramir is INJURED and more of the
MORDOR army turns up.)
Gandalf: "There's no way the
Riders of Rohan can help now. We've had it."
* * *
(The army of MORDOR catapult DEAD-HEADS into
the first circle of the City; Denethor is a
walking CLOUD of DEPRESSION and REFUSES to leave
his SON'S room. He DECIDES to KILL himself and
Faramir but Pippin shows some INITIATIVE and RUNS
off to FIND Gandalf. The Enemy BUSTS through the
Gate and the Lord of the NAZGÛL gloats.)
Lord of the Nazgûl: "Ha ha, I
win, you lose! Tee hee!"
(Gandalf is talking TOUGH when the Riders of
Rohan FINALLY arrive.)
Book V, Chapter 3: A Taste Of How It Feels
Éomer: "We've had it."
(Merry is CONFUSED about why everyone is so UPSET, ASKS about the Paths of the Dead and FINALLY gets a TASTE of how it FEELS not to get a STRAIGHT ANSWER.)
* * *
the Red Arrow from Gondor and TELLS the messenger
(Hirgon) that it will take a WEEK for the Riders
of Rohan to come Gondor's RESCUE.)
Hirgon: "We're all going to be
dead by then - still you might give the Orcs and
Southerners a nasty shock."
Théoden: "True, true."
* * *
(Merry is ANNOYED
at the idea of being left BEHIND, falls ASLEEP
and wakes up to FIND that DARKNESS has FLOWED out
of MORDOR [don't ask]. Théoden ORDERS the Muster
of Rohan; Merry gets some ARMOUR and the Riders
of Rohan SING. Merry is ORDERED to stay with
Éowyn, but a Rider (Dernhelm) has a PROVERB to
SHARE and OFFERS to HIDE him under his CLOAK
[don't ask] and take him to war.)
Merry: "Yippee!"
(Dernhelm's horse isn't too BOTHERED about
the extra WEIGHT because Dernhelm is SMALLER than
MOST. As they get CLOSER to Gondor, everyone gets
Book IV, Chapter 3: Much To Sam's Delight
Frodo: "Who cares? No-one asked you to come. I'm going in whatever."
Gollum: "No! No! Go the other way!"
Frodo: "Huh?"
(Gollum TELLS them there is a WAY south; Frodo THREATENS him (much to Sam's DELIGHT), and Gollum GROVELS.)
* * *
"Arrgh! Black Riders!"
(They SEE Men of the South going into MORDOR;
Sam SINGS about Oliphaunts, Frodo LAUGHS and
DECIDES to take the WAY south.)
Gollum: "Phew!"
Book IV, Chapter 2: Trudge, Trudge, Trudge
Sam: "We've only got a few supplies left - what's going to happen after we've destroyed the Ring?"
Frodo: "Who cares? We're all gonna die anyway."
* * *
through the Dead Marshes for DAYS and see a BLACK
RIDER. Frodo starts to NOTICE the RING is getting
very HEAVY and Gollum has an ARGUMENT with
himself about whether or not to KILL Frodo and
* * *
Gollum: "Arrgh! Black Riderss -
the Dark Lord iss on to uss!"
(Everyone IGNORES him and they TRUDGE towards
Book IV, Chapter 1: Slobbers Over Frodo
Sam: "Join the Company they said, see the world they said... Eek! That bog smells!"
Frodo: "Whatever."
(Frodo WHINES about going to MORDOR and Sam WHINES about only having lembas to EAT. They attempt to CLIMB down the CLIFF, see a BLACK RIDER and finally get down the CLIFF, thanks to Sam's ROPE - which, it turns out, is MAGICAL and COMES when Sam CALLS it.)
* * *
Gollum: "Where'ss my Preciouss?"
[Repeat many times for full effect - double 's'
(Sam JUMPS on him, nearly gets STRANGLED and
Frodo THEATENS to cut Gollum's THROAT.)
Gollum: "I'm jusst lonely!"
Frodo: "Whatever. Take us to
Mordor or die!"
Gollum: "Arrgh! No! No!"
(He AGREES to take them anyway - after
STAGING a small ESCAPE attempt. Gollum PROMISES
not to try anything again, SLOBBERS over Frodo
and they TRUDGE towards MORDOR.)
Book III, Chapter 2: Bicker Amongst Themselves
Book II, Chapter 2: We'd Rather Just Have Your Sword
- Gimli (DWARF)
- Legolas (ELF)
- Boromir (HUMAN)
* * *
Strider /
Aragorn: "So, you want me to come and
rule Gondor?"
Boromir: "We'd rather just have
your sword."
Aragorn / Strider: "Tough."
* * *
(There is more
DISCUSSION and Gandalf SPEAKS the language of
MORDOR, much to everyone's ANNOYANCE. Frodo also
LEARNS that the Elves of Mirkwood are USELESS.)
* * *
Gandalf: "Saruman is evil; he
kidnapped me but I was rescued by an Eagle."
(Boromir wants to use the RING but is told
"No!". NO-ONE wants to go to MORDOR; Frodo
VOLUNTEERS and the rest of the COUNCIL heave a
sigh of RELIEF. Sam INSISTS on GOING and Elrond
makes a SARCASTIC comment. Sam GRUMBLES.)
Book I, Chapter 11: This Place Is Dingy
* * *
Strider: "Snazzy, Weathertop!"
Merry: "This place is dingy."
* * *
Strider: "Arrgh! The Enemy!
Let's light a fire."
Sam: "Won't that give us away?"
(Everyone IGNORES him. Strider tells a very
long STORY about an Elf-woman.)
* * *
Merry: "Eek! Shapes!"
(The BLACK RIDERS attack, Frodo puts the RING
on and gets STABBED. Strider CHASES them off with
Book I: Chapter 2: Sauron Knows About It And He's Gonna Get You
Gandalf: "It's a Great Elven ring - it may possess you."
Frodo: "Oh."
Gandalf: "And it could turn you into a compulsive liar."
(Gandalf takes the RING from Frodo and throws it in the FIRE; LETTERS appear on it.)
Gandalf: "This is the One Ring and it is very evil."
Frodo: "How come I get it?"
(Gandalf goes off on a long EXPLANATION about the HISTORY of the RING and Sauron, the Dark Lord of MORDOR, but never gives Frodo a STRAIGHT ANSWER.)
Gandalf: "Here's the problem though: Sauron knows about it and he's gonna get you."
(Frodo WHINES a lot and then decides to LEAVE the Shire.)
Gandalf: "That's a good idea. I'm surprised you thought of it. Call yourself "Mr. Underhill" and take Sam with you."
Sam: "Yippee!"
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