Jan 3019

Book II, Chapter 7: He Bit It In Moria

Celeborn: "Where's Gandalf?"

Aragorn: "He bit it in Moria."

(They LEAVE and everyone thinks Galadriel is GREAT. Except for Boromir, who doesn't. Frodo SINGS and Galadriel lets him and Sam LOOK into her MIRROR; they BOTH have VISIONS [don't ask].)

Frodo: "Can I interest you in a Ring?"

Galadriel: "Got one thanks. You can leave tomorrow."
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Book II, Chapter 6: A Spiritual Moment

(Aragorn feels VINDICATED, what's left of the Company RUN a lot and Legolas SINGS. They spend the NIGHT in the TREES with Elves [don't ask] and get BLIND-FOLDED next day until Galadriel SENDS word that its not NECESSARY. They TRUDGE to Lothlórien and Aragorn has a SPIRITUAL moment [don't ask].)
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Book II, Chapter 5: Ambushed… Skewered… Dies…

Gandalf: "...So, basically, Orcs came in and slaughtered everyone."

(They are AMBUSHED by Orcs and Frodo is nearly SKEWERED.)

Frodo: "I'm okay."

Aragorn: "I thought you'd kicked it!"

Gandalf: "Me too!"

Frodo: "Whatever."

* * *

(Then the Balrog ATTACKS them; Gandalf DIES and Aragorn gets to play LEADER. They RUN outside, KILL some more Orcs and CRY.)

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Book II, Chapter 4: Not A Very Good Wizard

(There is a big ARGUMENT about whether they should go through the mines of MORIA. They DECIDE to do so and Aragorn and Boromir take the OPPORTUNITY to swap PROVERBS. Later, a PACK of WARGS attack and the gang kill a BUNCH of them.)

* * *

Gandalf: "Moria!"

(Legolas and Gimli BICKER about whose RACE fell out with whose FIRST. They find the DOOR but Gandalf can't OPEN it.)

Boromir: "You're not a very good wizard, are you?"

Gandalf: "Boromir, don't be a prat."

* * *

(Finally, the DOOR opens, Frodo is attacked by the WATCHER, they RUN inside the MINES and it closes the DOOR.)

Gandalf: "There go our options."

(They TRUDGE through MORIA, Sam WHINES about Bill (his PONY) a lot and they LEARN that Gimli's cousin is DEAD.)

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